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Parent Information Meeting
You are invited to IBAA's Parent Information Meeting on April 24. Hear from our principals, our teachers, meet other parents, ask all of your questions, and catch the vision for how your child's learning experience can enable them to grow and flourish in ways you may have never imagined.
Please fill out this form to let us know that you'll be there.
誠摯邀請您來參加IBAA的家長說明會於4月24號舉行. 您將有機會聽到我們的介紹並與我們的校長, 老師和其他家長見面. 您可以提出問題並了解您孩子的學習經歷將如何使他們以您可能從未想像過的方式成長和蓬勃發展.
Date: Sunday, April 24, 2022
Time: 8:00 PM
Location: Virtual Zoom Meeting
Link will be sent in an email once registered.
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